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Testimonials from Ecosse Customers
(unedited, except where the customer has omitted to mention the actual cable that their testimonial refer to)
My experience with Ecosse of great customer service and products made me feel valued as a customer and I look forward to doing further business with them. Cheers, Mark
Mark Sykes, UK, March, 2014
Hi Elliot,
(re jumper leads)
Thanks for your time and advice today. Wonderful customer service-much appreciated.
Mark Sykes, UK, March, 2014
Son los mejores que he utilizado, producen un sonido más transparente, natural sin énfasis en ninguna nota, permitiendo una experiencia musical limpia con los instrumentos perfectamente delineados, y producen una presentación más suave y más orgánica, más aún que cualquier otro de esta categoría, inclusive Nordost Valhalla, o cualquiera otro de referencia que he probado antes. En breve, The Soundman agrega un efecto de claridad muy beneficioso para mi Esoteric transporte (P-03), clock (G-0Rb) y dac (D-03) con una remarcada nueva presencia real, fuerte y muy bien definida. No podría retroceder …
Sergio Acevedo, Chile, November 2013
(Translation: “These are the best I have used, produce a more transparent sound, natural with no emphasis on any note, allowing clean musical experience with the instruments perfectly delineated, and produce a more smooth and more organic, more so than any other of this category, including Nordost Valhalla, or any other reference that I have tried before … In brief The Soundman clearly adds a very definite effect on profit for my Esoteric transport (P-03), clock (G-0RB) and dac (D-03) with a highlighted new real presence, strong and well defined. I could not go back ...”)
Hi Mister Davis,
Here you will find three pictures showing my systems fully cabled with ECOSSE cables. The great system is based arround the QUAD ESL 2905 loudspeakers. I introduced first the speaker cables SMS 2.4, and was amazed by their absolute neutrality and their great dynamic range. Between the CD driver ( a CEC TL3N) and the DAC ( MAESTRO by AUDIOMAT), i improved in a very high level the reproduction , using the AES/EBU XLR cord ECOSSE SOUNDMAN, where you can see on pictures. I also introduced the interconnect PRIMA DONNA between the DAC and the AMP (CERA EGERIE by ARTISANS du SON). The synergy with this complete set is absolute amazing in terms of neutrality, dynamic range, details and humanity, with a fantastic good value quality/price. But i wasn't at the end of surprise: connecting my electronics on main sockets with a set of BIG RED (UC for the amp, HC for the source), the increasing of all the before described qualities is incredible, so that i decided to complete this set with two other HC BIG RED for my two electrostatic loudspeakers. One much more, the value quality/price is fantastic.
I am also using a little headphone system, with a REGA APOLLO R CD player, and headphone amp by ERGO. The best result was by wiring the two items with an ECOSSE interconnect THE BATON. At its level, it showes the same qualities, and let me enjoy music late in the night.
Michel Servé, France, October 2013
Y just have purchased by Artisans du son a lot of main cables, a (big Red) UC for the amp, two (Big Red) HC for converter and drive, and the results are fantastic. Y have now to complete the installation with two other BIG RED HC for the QUAD ESL 2905, but in unusual lengths: 3,80m for the left pannel and 1,40 for the right. Y ordered ARTISANS du Son to contact you for these items. For the three cables where y have purchased by them, y tried to negociations for a good price, but could'n't reach the UK prices. Also, with giving back my old cables, and including the service ( y had occasion to listen to the cables before decision), the final price was good.
Best regards. In a few days, after answer, I will send pictures.
Michel Servé, France, October 2013
Dear Ecosse,
Thank you very much for your prompt answer and all help which I got from your Mr. Elliot.
Following his advice and considering all technical details, which I found on your Web page, I decided in the past to buy your pair of The Soundman cables due to perform a double digital connection, required by Chord Electronic CD set. Now it looks like that we make a deal again.
Please treat my mail, as a formal order for a pair of "The Legend Se MkII" cables, 1 m long and equipped with XLR MACH3 connectors. I would like to ask you for pre-burning procedure in workshop.
Your cables are directional cables and I do not know, whether there is some standard regarding F/M connectors, so please be informed that the output of my D/A converter needs F (female) connectors on the cable side. Then I hope to find a proper connection on the side of pre-amp.
Pawel Helbrecht, Warsaw, Poland, October 2013
Dear Elliot,
(re Director Digital)
Sorry, I should have got back to you sooner to thank you. Cable now installed and working beautifully. A step up from the QED it replaces. Thanks for your help and your companies excellent service.
Ecosse will come highly recommended from me in future.
Steve Corbett, Uk, October 2013
Just an other information for you: i purchased soon a little headphone system for intimate listening at late afternoon or dark night. It is matched with a REGA Apollo R cd player and an ERGO headphone "two" coupled with the ERGO headphone amp "one" ( ergo switzerland is the "grandson" of the famous Jecklinfloat headphones). My firts cable was an Accuphase AL 10 from a friend. But immediately after, i was going to the ARTISAN, and came bck home with a triple ECOSSE set: the "composer" was sounding very better that the accuphase, at lower price. The "conducteur" was still better, in clarity and enjoyment, but it was "the baton", that procured me a shock: great sounding, full of matter, details, live, dynamics. In that system, the final esult is absolutely incredible and emotionnal.
Michel Servé, France, June 2013
Hi Elliot, I received the speaker cables (MS2.15) from Futureshop on May 15 since when they have been in use for c.350 hours. The difference at the top end was immediately apparent; more detail, sparkle and "air" and very promising! The bottom end seemed a little light at first but is now much more solid with greater slam. The top meanwhile is revelatory, the extra detail is delicate & refined & not at all "in yer face", all of which adds up to a lovely spacious presentation.
I mentioned that I was using an Atlas Navigator IC which you felt was a weak link. What is its weakness? You recommended either a Symphony or Master Ref IC as an upgrade, which would you prefer bearing in mind my liking for a smooth sound. Tricky questions, I know, but I would appreciate your advice again.
Many thanks & Best Wishes,
John Conway, UK June 2013
PS. You may be interested to know that I did the initial 150 hour cable burn-in on my mini system
(£190 Denon CD/DAB + £800 RA modified Dynaudio speakers) and the result was spectacular. Which just goes to show what nonsense is talked about "rules" regarding %ages which should be spent on cables relative to system spend. I think most would argue that the MS2.15 was completely OTT in such a set-up, but it sounded fabulous! (Just not as fabulous as my main system!).
I've got my second nu diva on my system now been running for about 20 hours can it get any better !!! Completely brings it to life, think they could be my best buy ever :)
Thanks Steve Mills, UK, April 2013
Thanks for that, update after a few hours (NuDiva) sounding so good, just the sound I was looking for, better get another ordered :)
Thanks Steve Mills, UK, April 2013
Dear Folks,
I have received the (US2 Ultima) jumpers and installed them. Thank you very much.
Compared to the previously-used brass links, my speakers are revealing more treble information. For example, I can now hear squeaks as classical guitarist John Williams changes his left-hand position, whereas I couldn't before. The sound is cleaner overall, as well.
An idea for Ecosse: I recently heard that US manufacturer, Synergistic Research, had added UK 13 amp fuses to their portfolio and that these were being imported into the UK. (SR use a Tesla coil to zap their products - cables and fuses- with 2 million volts). Last week I bought 3 SR fuses. What an improvement to my hi-fi! The gains in clarity, focus, and image stability were immediately noticeable.
Best regards,
Neville Jordan. UK March 2013
Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help, wonderful cables and wonderful people!!
Kind regards,
Rich Wills, UK March 2013
Hi there to everyone at Ecosse. I have just received my cables back in the post today which you repaired for me free of charge and you have made me so happy and your sevice (as well as your cables) is nothing short of First Class. A massive thank you from me and a happy christmas to you all.
Thank you so much.
Pete Horgan, UK, December 2011
Hi Mister Davis,
the postal service just delivered me THE SOUNDMAN this morning, so my set of cables is completed. The sounding is great, very neutral and dynamic, the stereo image absolutely stable, and deep. Its the best combination i have heard on my system. I join one picture. You can see that with dipole loudspeaker i had little difficulties for the placement, especially on left side, because the recess wall on this side. The distance with front wall was an other difficulty, my room is not cubic, and this front wall is not parallel with the speaker. Listening to the AES/EBU connect with Soundmen, the problem is resolved.
Just another little question: my speaker cables SMS 2.4 haven't the same length. Left channel, 4.5m, right channel 2.5M. What do you think of that?
Note that i removed the wood sockets under the pannels. They are directly on the floor with their metal spikes.
Best regards.
Michel Servé, France, December 2011
They just delivered me te set LA PRIMA DONNA, where i have purchased by you. For the SOUNDMAN, i have to wait one more day, because it was delayed by postal service for one day, if i refer to the tracking number. My first impression with the combination SMS 2.4-PRIMA DONNA is that its a great team, with an amazing increased sound on my QUAD ESL 2905, in comparision with the pair of MASTER REF modulation where i used before. Shure that an other great improving will come with the replacing of digital coaxial DIRECTOR by the balanced AES/EBU SOUNDMAN between my drive CEC TL3N and the dac MAESTRO AUDIOMAT. And after run in, it would be better more.
At time that ECOSSE were imported in France by the BW group, i purchased my cables at the well knowed shop LES ARTISANS DU SON, in town MULHOUSE, in the ALSACE, east of France.
I gave them your mail and contact. Maybe they contact you on next days to ensure if commercial working would be possible, and to offer their customers more choice that AUDIOQUEST and ESPRIT, cables that i rejected for no neutral suonding at my ears on my system. You can visit their internet site at their adress ARTISANSDUSON.FR.
Best regards.
Michel Servé, France, November 2011
You very kindly helped me out about a year ago after I bought some Nordost cabling I was far from happy with. I replaced it with Ecosse MS 4.7 and Symphony, although I’ve now got La Prima Donna ( nee The Myth), and am highly delighted with them. The reason for me contacting you is, over the long winter months here in the Highlands of Scotland, I’m going to build my own speakers for a second system. I’ve got a kit from IPL Acoustics ( M1tlm ribbon); would you have any cable suitable for the wiring? I’d will need about 5m.
Incidentally, I changed the Spendor S8e’s for some Castle Howard S3’s which, good though the Spendors were, suit me better.
As ever, many thanks for your help and making superb products.
Jeremy Mayes, Scotland, September 2011
Hi Elliot,
(Re ES4.45 biwire)
Many thanks for this, I had actually made the correct connections. Please accept my apologies re my hasty Emails. Unbeknown to me last week my Email account had crashed and I’ve only just retrieved them from Mail2web. Sorted now. Anyway, there is a distinct improvement over the Chord products. Detail across the mid range and bass is better and there is a huge improvement in the bass performance. There is also an improvement in the sound stage ie spaciouceness which I was particularly looking for. Yes, I am pleased with Ecosse connections.
Kind regards,
Graeme Samuel, UK, July 2011
Hi Elliot and all the folk at Ecosse,
I wanted to write to you and compliment you on the incredible achievement of the Ecosse US2 Silver cable which I have inserted into my system as an upgrade on the SMS 4.7. I purchased a pair of Silver cables from Jeandre Botha here in Pretoria, South Africa. After having the cable in my system now for some days, I have found that they really take my system up another notch. When it comes to detail, transparency and soundstage depth, they certainly are unsurpassed in my experience.
I would also like to compliment you on your local dealer here in South, Africa, Jeandre Botha. Jeandre has been an incredible help to me, on and off, over the years, with all things Ecosse. He organised such an effective demonstration of the performance of the Silver cables some three years ago in his home, that I was unable to get their performance out of my mind. Thus three years later, I have finally made the upgrade!
Once more, congratulations,
Kind regards,
Mark Norman, Pretoria, South Africa, June 2011
Hi Elliot,
My original speaker cables are Atlas Ascent 3.5 which cost me over £600-00 some time ago.
They have a fuller, if slightly overpowering, bass than the MS2.4's but in comparison the Atlas cable sounds veiled, slightly recessed, in the midrange and softer at the top end. It was the bass that I initially missed when switching to the Ecosse cable but I am getting used to the slightly leaner sound of the MS2.4's.
I am finding, as I listen to a variety of music and speech, that the sound, when using the Ecosse cable, brings an increasing smile to my face.
Thanking You
Mark Westley, England, June 2011
Dear Elliott
Just to let you know that the speaker cables and interconnect arrived on Wednesday so full marks to your staff on pulling the stops out and delivering on their promise. The cables have been running continuously for 24 hours or more and I have to say that the whole system is now sounding better than I've ever heard before. I don't know if its the NU Diva or the synergy with the MS 4.45 now properly wired in 4 to 4 configuration but I can hear detail I never knew existed. Voices are clearer and I can hear backing vocals that weren't there before. Bass is extended and I can follow notes being played even when multi tracked.
As they say its rockin, the sound stage is wide with excellent seperation of instruments. Treble is sweeter although I still suffer some harshness when I play it loud. I am now experimenting with the Nu Diva connecting my turntable to the amp to see if its any better than the Van der Hull Hybrid phonos I have with T+A G10S turntable Anyway I am a happy customer and I suspect the cables will continue to improve
Thanks again for excellent service and product
Tony Greenaway, Somerset, UK, February 2009.
Hi Ecosse,
I've an ongoing battle between myself. My electronics,cables etc.We all realise the importance of getting along in our quest for musical nirvana! As I chop,change, tweak i constantly ask myself. WHY's it so difficult? When will i be able to just sit & listen? Que Ecosse The Composer.Now! There's just listening.But being there....
Lovin' ya work! I also listened to Best Boy interconnect which i also cannot recommend highly enough.But in my system.The Composer reigns supreme.Take a bow son!... Impressed! Patrick
Thanking You
Patrick London S.W,February 2009
I love the conductor cable i bought from you, i am selling my audience au24 and keeping the conductor.
Ken Eagleson,USA,September 2008.
Hi Elliot,
Just thought I'd let you know that I have received the cables, after a lengthy delay with norwegian postal service/customs. Following burn-in the SMS2.4's sound great. I am now discovering new depths in my music colllection (literally)!
Best Regards,
Kelvin Gyldenholm, Norway, August 2008
I just want to write and tell you how one simple little demonstration I experienced recently has converted me, a life-long hi-fi cable sceptic, into a dedicated Ecosse cables follower!
I was unhappy with my speakers in one of my set-ups and had gone along to my dealer in Shrewsbury to audition another pair costing three times as much. I took along some cds, my amp, cd player, and interconnect, which was a well-reviewed cable costing about sixty pounds and, I thought, expensive enough. After a couple of hours of listening I was undecided about the speakers and had to tell the dealer that I honestly didn't think that they demonstrated the improvement in certain areas that I was listening for. He then said " just let me try something" (Ecosse Maestro MA2), and replaced the pair of interconnects between cd player and amp with another.
Wow! An amazing transformation in sound! Unbelievable! This was the most subjectively dramatic single improvement in component substitution that I have experienced in 37 years of involvement with hi-fi.
I don't need to tell you the nature of this. Only a new pair of ears could have done better! And it was so easy to fork out 180 pounds for 3 feet of cable after this. And, of course, I was thrilled with the new speakers. And then, guess what? - when I got home I listened to the old speakers again with the Maestro MA2 in place again between cd player and amp. My immediate reaction was the same as before. These speakers sounded so much better now, and to be honest, had your cable been in place then, I probably wouldn't have felt the need to change the speakers at that point in time. Never again will I skimp on cable.
Just a couple more things: Is this cable available with XLR plugs? (sorry no) I have not been able to find anything on the internet. I am at my house in Spain at the moment with no dealer in sight, and won't be back in my flat in North Wales for quite a while. I propose to start changing all the cables to Maestro in both systems now, although I have yet decided which speaker cable to buy.
Best regards,
Bob Bell,UK,August 2008.
I've recently purchased some ES4.45 bi-wire loudspeaker cable from one of your authorised dealers. You recommend having it set so the black and red, ES2.3 multistrand cable drives the bass/mids, and the blue and yellow, CS2.15 solidcore, driving the tweeters.
I have a pair of Quad 22Ls, which are 3 way speakers, and I'm having much better results having the cable set the other way around, so the blue and yellow on the bass and the red and black on the tweeter, although being 3 way I think the the high in put on the rear of the speakers would also service the mid range? I guess it depends on the crossover inside the cabinets.
Having it the recommended way, the vocals sound some what flat and the cable seems to strangle the system, in comparison to the cable I had on the speakers before, Chord Epic Twin. Changing the cable around the vocals are much more forward and open and the bass more controlled, which was what I was trying to achieve, as the speakers tend to be a bit over-powering on the bass.
Am I right in saying the ES2.3 is the more expensive cable in the set up? Therefore I would expect it to be a better cable. If so this could explain why I'm getting better results, if the crossover in my speakers have the low terminals for bass only and high terminals for mid/treble?
I suppose it's okay to have the cable set this way? The difference in sound is obvious, and you could have many customers out there that don't realise they could achieve much better results from there system by this simple change.
I would love to hear your opinion on this, and to confirm it's fine to have the cable running this way round. Maybe you could run tests on 3 way speakers with this cable, if you achieve the improvement I have you could mention it on the information concerning this cable on your website. Thanks for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.
I got today a pair of used Ecosse US2 speaker cable that sound so good with my myth pro and big red power cords. I upgraded from the sms2.4 and I have to say they are sooo good.
Valerio Pattano, Italy, May 2008
Just to say: Thank you a lot for having deliver the new cables and for the perfect organisation of the collection of the ones I needed to return. Much appreciated and I will come back to you soon for power cables.
Kind regards,
Patrick Duchesnes, France, April 2008
Firstly I would like to congratulate you on the quality and sound of your cables. I recently bought the Maestro MA2 interconnect and the sound quality is amazing – I can see where all of the awards have come from. I also have an MS4.45 cable (2 x 3m lengths) in shotgun configuration (2 in to 4) with ‘Z’ plug terminations all round.
Do you have a re-termination service (customer was advised we do) because I would like the cable reconfigured to 4 in to 4 with spades on all ends? This is because I have recently bought a Krell Power amp and some B&W 803 speakers both of which have a full set of biwire connections. Thanks for your time.
David Tucker, March 2008
Ecosse ‘The Legend SE Mk II’ Interconnects, and the ‘Three problems with Audio Cables’
There are various problems that any audiophile or music-lover has with audio cables. The first problem is that they really make a difference. Despite the protestations of the gainsayers, any reasonably transparent audio-system can reveal noticeable improvements when quality cables are inserted into the music chain. This might be irritating, indeed, to some it is absurd: After all, wires are wires.
Having purchased the Ecosse SMS 4.7 bi-wire speaker cable for my system last year, I approached AV Cables for the opportunity to try out the top-of-the-range, single-ended analogue interconnect for an audition. The supplier kindly loaned me a 0.8M pair of Ecosse, ‘The Legend SE Mk II.’ interconnects to try out.
Appearance-wise these interconnects stand-out. They do not look as glitzy and flashy as those of the other manufacturers out there, but anyone with the capacity to appreciate fine build quality, will not fail to be enormously impressed. For example, the RCA plugs (Ecosse Mach 3 Ultima) are the most insanely, over-the-top-engineered plugs on the planet. However, looks as impressive as they might be, are not the real story, it’s the listening that counts.
This leads me to comment on the second problem that audiophiles often have with audio cables. This is the fact that, like it or not, cables have to run in. Once again, I can hear the dissenting cries of Plebeians screaming their protests from the galleries occupied almost solely by would-be ‘objectivist’ audio-electrical engineers. Nevertheless, in my own experience, cables do not sound their best from new, they need time to settle in. Such was the case with the Legend SE Mk II.
Straight out of the box, they confirmed the negative experience that I have had with many silver-based cables: they sounded hyper-detailed, but harsh in the mid-range, razor-sharp and etched on the tops. The bass was merely average. My existing reference cables, from Transparent and Strightwire won the contest quite easily. However after consulting with Ecosse in the UK and the local Ecosse agent (AV Cables), I decided to attach them to my CD player (Meridian) and leave it on repeat for around 150 hours.
This leads to my third problem with audio cables. Some cables are definitely a great deal better than others. Not all cables sound the same and with Ecosse it seems you get what you pay for. After 150 hours (Ecosse insists the Legend only starts to sound its best after 300 hours) I noticed that the harshness in the midrange and the tops had completely disappeared.
So how do they actually sound? Compared to my references, I noticed the following differences...
1. Firstly the listener gets an immediate impression of image solidity. Images in the musical event were presented far clearer and well-defined, than before. It’s incredible to think that a cable can serve as a focusing mechanism, highlighting more clearly the instruments and the voices before the listener. My reference cables sounded receded, less defined in comparison and the images were far less-three-dimensional.
2. Secondly, I noticed a vast improvement in the detail perceived. I listened to reference recordings (recordings that I have listened to hundreds of times) that I am intimately familiar with and simply heard more detail present, especially in the mid-range and the top-end but also with the bass. This was particularly the case with Rebecca Pigeon’s song, ‘The Raven’ The top-end resolving power of the cable is phenomenal, unlike anything I have heard, incredibly detailed but not in an artificial, intrusive manner. The leading and trailing edges of percussion notes and even voice were far more ‘fleshed-out.’ Of course, this was also largely due to the fact that the background noise-level was vastly reduced. Furthermore, the soundstage had become deeper and to a greater extent than before, illuminated to the sides, and the front and back.
3. While my system has always been reasonably transparent, the cable enormously improved the transparency of the system. Now the speakers completely disappeared and the music took on a life of its own. One of my reference recordings is Patricia Barber’s well-known ‘Modern Cool.’ One of my favorite tracks on the disc is ‘Postmodern Blues.’ Now for the first time, the tom-tom drum in the background became fully focused and no longer dwelt as before in front of the one speaker, it now appeared, well defined near the middle of the soundstage.
4. Finally and most importantly this cable provided a superlative presentation of music in a manner that no other cable in my experience has done. While it is important to be ready to describe what one hears in a good audio cable, (if you can’t hear any improvement, don’t waste your money) at the end of the day the most important capacity that a high-end cable needs to possess, is what some call ‘musicality.’ I have heard some hyper detailed cables fail dismally when it comes to allowing the natural ebb and flow of the musical event to present itself to the listener (in fact, the Legend itself was pretty horrible in this area, before it was partially run-in). I have some other famous, non-shielded silver cables from another hi-end manufacturer in my collection that are famous for detail, yet fail dismally when it comes to letting the music flow. In the case of the Legend, this remains its most exceptional quality, its ability to present music in a manner so natural that the performance seems almost ethereal in its solidity; and also delicacy at the same time.
These are my impressions after only 150 hours!
How can any audio cable be worth R17.000? In a system with the appropriate resolving power, Regrettably I had to return my pair as I cannot afford them.However in dropping them off at the local Ecosse supplier in Pretoria, I had the opportunity to hear a system wired with Ecosse pure silver speaker cable (Ecosse US Ultima) together with the Legend Interconnects themselves. The front end was the New EM (Ed Meitner) Labs SACD player which has become recently available in South Africa through AV Cables. The system was placed in a normal domestic setting, and thus only a limited amount of attention was given to precision in room placement. For example, a large coffee table stood between the listener and the speakers. The speakers (relatively ‘budget’ level Spendor SP 5’s) were small floor-standers, retailing at roughly the same price of the interconnects!
I have only had two opportunities to listen to mega-buck systems costing well over a million Rand. While I only listened to this system for a short time, it was unquestionably clear to my ears that it was more transparent than both high-end set-ups that I had heard, one of which featured R350.000.00 Avantgarde Trio horn loudspeakers! This is clearly an incredible testimony to the Ecosse speaker cable, Spendor loudspeakers and the EM Labs digital gear. However the question for me, concerning the Legend SE Mk II remains, how do I raise enough cash to buy them?
Mark Norman, Pretoria, South Africa, Aug 2007
Dear Elliot,
Your cables arrived yesterday morning (excellent service), so I immediately set to rewiring my Epos ES14's with MS 2.15 for the HF and MS 2.3 on the main driver.
What a difference £50 quids worth of cable has made!
One of my favourite CD's Robert Cray 'Sweet Potato Pie' sounds fantastic, cymbals now ring instead of tizzing, drums snap and base goes deep without bloating. The real bonus is that the sound is faster and I can differentiate between the instruments, which otherwise tended to merge, its almost as if the band are in the room with me.
If any of your customers can access the inside of their speakers and have the ability to do so, I would recommend that this is an upgrade well worth doing. Other music tried Zucchero (Vinyl), Tears for Fears (Vinyl), Sting 'Fields of Gold' (CD) Robbie Williams 'Life Through a Lens' and I am now working through the rest of my collection (Pink Floyd next).
Thank you Ecosse.
Mike Bailey, UK, Aug 2007
Recently I purchased two sets of your reference MA2 interconnects and I must say i've been very happy with their performance. For me this has been quite a big step up as my previous cables have been at a different price point (Gotham Gac1).
Saul Keyworth, UK, Aug 2007
I was in New-England last week and happened to listen to a hifi system using Ecosse (speaker) cables. The store who is a Harbeth dealer indicated he was impressed by the neutrality of the Ecosse cables. And I must say I agree with him.
Claude Chasle, Montreal, Aug 2007
Hello Elliot,
Thank you for sending me your MS2.3 cable which is great and I have decided to keep it. As you said, it knocks spots off the Chord Epic, which weights the bass, but lacks clarity and naturalness.
(Original Question from Coral:Can you contact me to discuss speaker cables for my DK Design Amp feeding into Hyperion 938 speakers. Many thanks- Coral Ash - yes female and into Hi-Fi!)
Many thanks- a happy customer!
Coral Ash, UK, June 2007
Hi Elliot and Daniel
Just thought I'd check in to say I'm really pleased with the Nu Diva and ES4.45 cables. They did take a fair while to burn in but they have lifted the system no end - and certainly beat the Nordost/QED cables I had, by a long way.
And thanks for the great service too.
(Original Question from John:I have a new Musical Fidelity XT-100/XRayV8 combination driving Monitor Audio Silver RS6s. I'm using Nordost Blu Heaven inteconnects and QED Silver Anniversary bi-wire cable. It sounds very good but the bass needs tightening up a bit and the treble needs opening/extending.
I was wondering if your NuDiva interconnects and ES4.45 biwire cable would do the trick. If so, I need 2 x 7 metre runs of cable with 2to4 banana plugs fitted.
John Callen, UK, March 2007
I recently puchased a 3 meter set of ES 4.45 cables from you and can say I'm just thrilled with both the construction and, more importantly, the sound quality.
Joe Senn, USA, March 2007
ES4.45 biwire speaker cables
all cables have arrived and they are excellent and have added a new dimension to a system that was exceptional in the first place
Stephen Longbottom, UK, March 2007
Dear Sirs,
The Baton Interconnect Cable-custom wired with DIN plugs
I write to thank you for the excellent product which I purchased this week. I am delighted with it and would be pleased to know about more of your products. Do you supply speaker cable for instance? It is good to be able to talk to real people that listen to their customers and take obvious pride in their product. I wish your company great success and I'm sure you will accomplish this given your credo. The extra joy for me is that you are a Scottish company and I am glad to see quality makers achieve in my beloved land. Thank you once again for your outstanding service and product.
Ian Sutherland, Scotland, February 2007
Hi Ecosse
Listening Impressions: Ecosse SMS 4.7. Speaker Cable
I recently loaned a 1.5 M set of Ecosse SMS 4.7. Speaker Cables (Approx R12.000.00, per pair) from André Strydom, the owner of the most well-established Hi-Fi shop in Pretoria: ‘The Audiophile,’ for audition, as I was in the market to replace my existing cables. These were Audio Research Litzline, cables, originally retailing for about $700.00 in the mid 90’s in the US. I had kept these cables for around four years, because had I found them to be surprisingly good performers in my system. They had withstood comparative tests against far more expensive opposition. I have been asked by the Ecosse importer, to place onto paper, my thoughts of the Ecosse cable.
My system consists of the following: For my front end, I use a Meridian 508.24 CD player which in my view, continues to be a stellar, high end machine. My amplification is all Gunter Steinhart, valve gear. Steinhart gear is all hand-made in South Africa by the Austrian, Gunter Steinhart himself, and in my view for the price, Gunter’s products remain amongst the very best equipment in the world. I am using his DVP 2XR preamplifier, together with his 400 watt, dual chassis per side, valve Monoblocks (the TVP 400c). These have been hard wired throughout by Gunter with Van Den Hul silver wire. The monoblocks put out an enormous amount of heat for a relatively small room in summer, but this is a small price to pay for the sound which is nothing less than spectacular. Large valve monoblocks have the capacity to transport the listener into a totally mind-boggling audio experience, which to my own mind, cannot be easily matched by solid-state. My interconnects are Transparent Ultra (around $1200.00) a metre pair, together with Straight Wire Virtuoso (around $500.00 a meter a pair). The Speakers are KEF R105/3 Reference loudspeakers which have been hard-wired with 14 metres of QED ‘Silver Anniversary’ wire, soldered onto the drive-units and crossovers. I am using my own custom-built, shielded power cables, and the system is connected to a dedicated circuit with its own circuit-breaker, together with high-quality in-wall wire, going to the main supply itself. Other than a television set, I do not possess surround-sound AV equipment. All items of equipment (including speakers) are mounted on concrete blocks which themselves are decoupled from the wall unit/tiled floor, by rubber grommets. The system is situated in my living room, so the room-treatments are relatively minor. I have however, installed my own custom-built Bass Traps, together with four six-foot high book shelves in strategic positions. There is no table between the speakers and the listening point.
My original (non-listening) impression of the cables was not that positive. This was largely because I had heard very little of Ecosse as a company, despite the fact that I regularly tune into quite a few Hi Fi web sites, and am an avid reader of the ‘Absolute Sound,’ ‘Hi Fi News,’ ‘Stereophile,’ etc. What I had heard, was that they were a small outfit, manufacturing lower-end but quality products for the UK Market. On the other hand, I was in the market to spend around R10 000 rand on speaker cables and was already looking at products such as Shuntyata Research, Kimber (Select series), MIT, Synergistic Research, and so on. In fact, I had already contacted a couple of importers/high end retailers in Johannesburg, with the view to auditioning what they had available, but up to the point of encountering the Ecosse cables, I had heard no reply.
Despite my prejudices, there were mainly two reasons why I decided to give the Ecosse products a go. The first was André Strydom’s (the owner of the Audiophile) rave comments about the Ecosse cables he had heard himself. Having done business with Andre over some ten years, I have come to value his judgment enormously, as he has over thirty years experience in the industry. He is also honest and in the past has steered me away from products he himself stocks, which he felt would not perform in my system. There have also been times when he has advised me not to spend money when he felt it was not necessary (unusual for Hi Fi retailers today!). The second reason why I decided to take a closer look at the cables was the info I gleaned from their web-site and the actual build-quality of the products themselves. The Ecosse Cable Company manufactures their own products ‘in house’ and on their web site, carefully and meticulously explains precisely how their cables are made (all in-house) and why they are made the way they are. In fact, while these cables certainly do not look that flashy from a distance, closer examination reveals that they are arguably some of the very best made products out there. The best-made cables that I had ever seen up to that point and certainly the best I had ever heard in my own system, was a 3m pair of MIT MH770 Reference cables, dating from the late 90’s. At that time when I bought them second-hand, they sold for approx R50 000 a pair, new. However, upon close examination, I discovered that the Ecosse Cables were easily comparable to the MIT cables in build quality.
The speaker cables I received from AV Cables, were new and not run in (they require approximately 300 hours to perform at their best). After cleaning the terminals with alcohol, I connected them up to my system and allowed things to warm up for about three hours before listening. I obviously could not run them properly, as I only had a few days of trial listening time available, before making my decision to purchase or not. My own view is that if one places an expensive new cable/component into one’s system in place of the old, and there is the need to endlessly make A-B comparisons in order to try and establish the new product’s superiority over the old, then one should probably not make the switch and spend the money. This is not to deny the fact that ultimately, real acquaintance with a new product, takes time. Often getting to grips with a new component will take more than just a first or second audition. Thus, as a general rule, I am not always a believer in double blind testing for this and other reasons. My own reading in the area of the philosophy of science, over the years, and my audio interests have taught me that science, whilst of great value and of obvious importance when designing and manufacturing audio equipment, cannot tell the full story. Both science and art go into designing a good product. The Ecosse cables however, within the first few minutes, showed their worth. They were without question, superior to my existing Audio Research. But the question was: How much better? Would they be better, to the point of me needing to spend the high asking price? Only more listening would be able to tell. I began to pull out my so-called reference discs, which I regularly use to compare components, as I know the recordings very well. These include the Jazz recordings of Patricia Barber: ‘Modern Cool,’ ‘Café Blue,’ ‘Companion,’ etc, the XRCD discs: Jimmy Roger’s ‘Blue Bird,’ and Henry Mancini’s musical from the movie: ‘Charade,’ some Sheffield recordings and many others. I have also found the Rebecca Pidgeon recordings of David Chesky to be of outstanding quality.
I have now listened to the Ecosse Cables on and off for a week, and these are my impressions: While these cables are clearly a superlative product, they do not ‘jump out at you,’ and impress you in the wrong way, straight-out. It is my belief that many cheaper cables have been ‘voiced’ or designed to ‘impress,’ up front but after a time, in a fairly good system, such cables tend to fatigue the listener and their faults soon become manifest. The first impressions I received from the Ecosse, revealed the fact that they are a very smooth sounding product, compared to my references at the time. The tops and the upper-mids are nothing less than world-class: presenting far more detail even then the AR and the MIT Reference, yet not in a hyper etched ‘Hi Fi’ manner, common in many other ‘High End’ cables. The Ecosse treble frequencies provide you with all the detail possible, but without drawing undue attention to themselves. Again the terms, ‘smooth’ and incredibly delicate, come to mind. In fact, the Ecosse (on the basis of my audio memory) are not as reticent on top as I found the MIT’s to be, but also manage at the same time, to resist becoming ‘steely’ or over-lit. Yet probably above all the other performance parameters, it is the midrange-that really shines with this cable and indeed it seems to me that the midrange is where all the other frequencies come together. In speaking of the Ecosse midrange, it is not only a matter of the extra detail of which I speak, (I was hearing more with the Ecosse, than my other references) but I speak of the utterly natural, smooth presentation that uncannily floated out of the sound-stage.
This was particularly the case with female voice, piano and violin. One of the main reasons for the performance of the Ecosse cable in this area, is the quietness of the cable. Because of the fact that the Ecosse designers have clearly managed to effectively suppress extraneous noise, to my ears, a certain amount of ‘grunge’ or haze, in the mid range and tops, noise which I had unknowingly been listening to in the case of the AR cable, was now absent. Large monoblock amplifiers excel in my experience, in their ability to place incredibly palpable, life-like images in the sound-stage before the listener when using the right speaker. However, when you use large valve amps, you get awesome sound-staging, together with finesse, a midrange to die for and the dynamics of solid-state (even if I admit that my 400 watt monoblocks, are undoubtedly not as fast as, say, a Krell FPB700cx. As a matter of interest, while valve gear will probably never be as fast as solid state in the bass, valve gear really excels in the presentation of timbre and ‘textured’ detail in the lower end of the frequency range. To my ears, most solid-state amps sound rather ‘2-dimensional’ in this regard, compared to valves). Valve gear also particularly shines in the ability it displays, in presenting a ‘layered sound-stage,’ where images are placed in clearly-defined spaces, not only from side to side, but also from back-to front in the soundstage. My previous reference speaker cables performed well in this regard, but the Ecosse took matters so much further forward, and I have reason to believe that these cables will show similar virtues, no matter what type of amplification is chosen. The bass was nothing less than awesome (the Ecosse SMS 4.7 is a bi-wire cable, and incorporates a special run of wire, specifically designed for the lower frequencies). My KEF’s are capable of almost full-range performance, but their bass behavior remains their weak area (which is one of the reasons why I think KEF have now abandoned the loaded, dual cavity, coupled design with their more recent reference models). The Reference 105 tends to be somewhat ‘flappy’ or ‘woolly’ in the bass, lacking the last ounce of speed, precision and control. The solution is careful room-placement and set-up, powerful amplifiers and careful choice of cable. With the Ecosse cables connected to the speakers, I was not actually hearing deeper bass than before, the difference lay in the additional definition I was hearing in the lower registers, as well as greater control. Most importantly however, compared to before, presumably because the Ecosse is a bi-wired product from the factory, I was hearing a far more integrated musical event, with the lower registers somehow mating up with the rest of the sound, more naturally and smoothly.
As I close: All of the above descriptions do not in a satisfactory manner, really explain why the Ecosse SMS cable in my opinion, is a truly reference product, which I believe it to be. This is because at the end of the day, while any reviewer can do his/her best to describe the performance of an audio product using the usual ‘Hi- Fi’ terminological lexicon, it is the way the whole sonic event comes together, which really matters and it is here where the most seasoned reviewer’s vocabulary runs dry. Superlative performance in different areas of a cable’s partial capabilities, does not in itself, allow the product to join the ranks of truly world-class performers. The most important aspect of any cable’s performance is ultimately its capacity to not draw attention to itself, and to ‘get out of the way,’ in order to cohesively present the authentic musical event to the hearer. This is the hardest goal that presents itself to any cable designer, and this is why the best audio cables in the world will always cost you a lot of money, whether you like it or not. It is success in this vital area that ‘separates the men from the boys,’ and it is in this area where cable design and manufacture becomes an art as well as a science. And it is the desire of attaining this elusive goal that will make audio fanatics spend R50 000.00 on speaker cables and not R1 000.00 without hesitation, assuming the rest of their gear is up to the challenge.
And it is ultimately in this department, where the Ecosse cable has surpassed anything I have ever heard in my system. It is certainly true, there is an enormous amount of snake-oil out there, when it comes to selling and buying high end Hi Fi cables and a sucker is born every minute. The complexity and the potential pit-falls of even reviewing such cable, is such that many high-end magazine reviewers are often reluctant nowadays, to take the plunge. Having participated in this hobby for over 20 years, I have experienced many of these problems. So, you don’t believe cables make such a difference! You believe that you can go to the local Hardware Shop, drop a couple of Rand on some wire, and achieve ‘High End’ performance? Try these Ecosse cables for size, and then go ahead and try. If you succeed, let me know. I’ll be your first customer.
P.S. Yes, I bought them!
Rev. Dr. Mark Norman, Equestria, Pretoria, South Africa,December, 2006
Just received a pair Nu Diva interconnects. Early experiences are that they are superb.They knock the socks off their (more exepensive) predecessors. Was using Kimber KCAG, currently selling for £253 from Russ Andrews. Your product has a sweetness in the treble that was missing with my previous interconnects. Well, to be fair, it's sweet everywhere. Super effort. Thanks again. (Now I'm wondering if I should have bought a more expensive Ecosse cable!)
Mike Penny, London, September 2006
I have to say- I absolutely loved the SMS 2.3 for its smoothness, silkiness and tremendous bass control & punch. I am a musician and appreciate all the technology that has gone into making your cables sound so good. For me, it’s all about how my ears respond to the sound of the piano (since I play it) and as a result, I hear many recordings with the piano as the lead instrument. I must congratulate you on the transparency and accuracy of your cables. I had no idea to what extent- good quality cables make a difference. My entire system sounded incredibly different (better). It was as if the damned thing was sleeping all this while with the old cables. We went to the extent of trying all the Nordost range- too revealing & harsh. The entire Cardas range as well- too laid back but non fatiguing. And then yours which had managed somehow to marry the detail of the Nordost to maybe 80% and yet have that timing and capability of delivering that punch without sounding harsh on the ears at all.
Chetan Burman - CEO Delhi INDIA,August 2006
Dear Sir/Madam, Last year I bought a set of Ecosse ES 2.3 speakercable, which I can report exceeded my expectations both sonically and mechanically (well terminated!). I used to work at an audio-distributor and have terminated a lot of cables that's why I admire the workmanship of your cables.
Kind Regards.
K. Bakker, Timbre Consultant-Holland, May 2006
David, ES4.45 cable arrived today. 48 hrs after order ! fantastic.
The cable is awesome even after 10 hours of use it is already outshining the chord Odyessey 2 I was using.
You are a very professional and friendly outfit I cannnot recomend you company or your products highly enough.
Many thanks.
Guy Thomas, DaimlerChrysler-UK, March 2006
Hi Elliot,
Here are our impressions of the cables:
The Myth + SMS 2.4
- well defined bass, precise and clean. It is very easy to detect the size of the instruments.
- the image of the singer is very natural. They are all betwen 1.60 and 1.90 m tall, that means like they really are (and I know some like Kieran Goss)
- very deep and holographic stage but not so stretched from left to right
- good articulation, words are very easy to understand
- loads of details
- gives body to the instruments, but not too much, feels just right
- a real "no show" connection
- this is, as all the other cables, a connection for long listening sessions
- one of the best performances we've had so far in our show room
(We did listen again with the Brinkmann/Esoteric/Lithophon setup.)
The Maestro
- stage very similar to the Baton
- instruments are more defined, clean and strong, without going for any "show effects"
- well fit into older high-end equipment (I used it with my Meridian 208, Audiolabor ES 200 and Micromega Stage 1)
- crisp midrange and colourful voice
Dr. Frank Lechtenberg, Germany, February 2006
Dear Sir,
Congratulations on your BIG RED UC powerchord. As the vice-president of the Istanbul hifi club, I have access to almost all top-line cables.
Within my power chord search, the top synergy has revealed with the BIG RED UC powerchord. The synergy with the mastersound 845 final monoblocks has surpassed even the most 'expensive' powerchords here in the market. Within the price performance scope, add me as the flagship supporter of your products.
As the synergy rules out the marketing, the sonic performance of this cable has enabled the 'final touch' the excel and utopically advance my system. Today, the amazingly dark background, realistic tonal balance, an overall analogue sound has been attained with this final touch. I use these cables in a 100.000 Euro system, and all I needed was the power refinement - which I came to realise with ECOSSE.
Kerem Kucukaslan, Turkey, February 2006
My system: Lindemann SACD D-680 Mastersound pre-amp Mastersound 845 monoblocks Focal Diva Utopia Berylium
Ecosse vs QED
As someone with good ears, and a quarter century involvement in the Audio and Broadcasting industry, plus an interest in high-end hi-fi products, I decided to find the best speaker cable within my price bracket and product range.
My main set-up comprises punchy (Krell) amplification with extremely detailed source (Krell KPS20i CD) and very precise, almost electrostatic, Wilson Benesch speakers. The latter are hard to drive in bridged manner, so need bi-wiring, which ups the price of the cable, of course. At the time I used QED Silver 12 cable. This was partly for appearance value, as being flat it enabled me to hide as much as I could under carpets. It was also fairly cheap, and gave a pleasant enough sound; improving in “excitement” after 100 hours, but still never going to reach out and grab me. It lacked in the bass end, and was quite simply too tame. So, by chance I decided to try the Ecosse MS2.3, having been told that this would beat anything else on the planet. It certainly beat the QED.
Even without running-in the bass was so much more detailed and the whole sound so much more controlled, that it was only let down by the design of the Wilson Benesch crossover, which tended to muddle things up in the low-middle frequency ranges. So, I had to splash out for the matching MS2.15 cable for the tweeter, and using the original MS2.3 for the bass.
Now, the MS2.15 is a single strand affair, (actually its solid core-ED) which means it isn’t quite so bendable, but its design plays on the fact that higher frequencies work on the “Skin Effect” principle, so a single, thicker wire, is preferable to lots of minute strands, as is the MS2.3. Just whether or not this principle works (the skin effect is really for frequencies in the high KHz bracket, beyond our own audible frequency range) I don’t want to argue, because work this cable certainly does!
The bass frequencies are still there, very tight and direct, and allows the bass-light Wilson Benesch Arc’s to sing deeper than they should be able to do for their size, but now with the separate cable for the higher frequencies just makes the music come alive! The soundstage is very accurate and wide, allowing precise location of individual instruments within a larger orchestra, and the transient response (speed at which the audio “hits you”!) and decay of sound is simply amazing.
With Patricia Barber’s ‘Café Blue’ you are now amongst the jazz musicians, not simply listening to loudspeakers! Even the over modulated and generally badly engineered David Bowie Heathen and Reality albums don’t give the speakers a hard time anymore. The problems in the recording are still there, but now they are controllable and the mistakes in the recordings are easier to hear, than just a blob of, well, “mess”! With classical music, the Holst’s Planet Suite under Adrian Boult now sounds under control and you can hear the page turns, the occasional coughs and even at one point something crashing in the background, that the other cables wouldn’t dare divulge.
So I have no problems recommending the Ecosse speaker cables, it’s just a shame that my hi-fi has had to wait so long for me to come to my senses. Many Thanks
Janine Elliott, B.Mus. (hons), M.A., Assistant Senior Studio Manager, BBC Radio Resources, Radio & Music January 2006
Subject: Re: Big Orange Powerchord
Hi David, Well, I think I have learnt my lesson. The cable fitted perfectly and, well, it has been plugged in for about 5 minutes and so far I can honestly say the bass sounds so much clearer. In comparison the notes appear sharper and the thump of a drumbeat is clearer.
Regarding the What HiFi/Stuff live show my friend and I took 3 things from the show. 1. Fujitsu's new HD projector, 2. Panasonic's 37inch plasma and 3. Your company's (ECOSSE) presentation. It was refreshing to see somebody (Elliot) speak so passionately about music and about actually listening to music as opposed to bass heavy systems that drown out everything. We were surprised to have stayed to listen to your entire presentation but both agreed it had been the showcase of the exhibition. The fact that I am writing this email shows how much I enjoyed your presentation. I've even read your entire website as a result. I wish you all future success. You have a new happy customer and I'm already telling everyone about you. Take care and thanks for your help.
Antonio, London, November 2005
Hello, message for David. Nu Diva Interconnect received this morning. I've never heard a cable quite as good as this especially for the money. Im running it through a Cyrus system with Quad speakers and it sounds like there is no cable there. Its as if you've welded the cd to the amp. Its a remarkable thing; with every frequency its simply perfect. Remarkably impressed, thanks a lot, very grateful.
Simon Holdsworth, July 2005
Firstly thanks for the prompt service, cables ordered yesterday morning and arrived less then 24 hours later. Now with cables in place my system breaths like never before. Bigger more precise soundstage, with rock solid positioning of images, truly neutral tonal reproduction, superb out of the box and can only get better. First class product. The MS4.45 has replaced Nordost Blue Heaven which by comparison was closed in, heavily tonally coloured, and offered about 6db of attenuation that they don't tell you about on the box. Thanks again for bringing some credibility and common sense to the cable market which as we know can be more snake oil than science. Many Thanks
Chris Marsh, August 2005
Sound Engineer and would be audiophile
Hi, there, I' m from China and bought your a pair of ES2.3+CS2.15 bi-wire speaker cables two years ago. I' d like to express my appreciation for your so musical and high impressive product here, with this natural, detail, good low-frequency extension and easy-touched breadth and depth sounding cable, associated with other two companies -- YBA Integrated DT Amplifier and JMLab 905 bookshelf speakers, I get the most wonderful high-end combos at a rather lower cost and it always bring the pure music like fresh air into my families' life.
Wang Hang, China, October 2005
Hello David. I just wanted to say a big thank you for getting the Bi-Wire ES4.45 cable to me so quickly. They are now connected up to my system, although I have found that the way in which you had to wire them, rather awkward for the Cyrus amplifier due to how tightly packed everything is at the back. I appreciate your offer to change the connectors if required and I may well take you up on your offer, as I have some connectors which would solve my problem perfectly but for the time being, I will leave them as they are now that they are in place, if that is okay with you. Kind regards
Philip Maitland Smith July 2005
Thank you. I already figured that out last night just by how it sounded initially (The Classic aka The Symphony).Thank you for the reply.I am AMAZED at the sound of this interconnect.I also have been using the Maestro for the past 2 years and thought that was great until hearing this one.I only have a few hours on it and it is just incredible and all I had hoped for. Thanks for the reply,
Craig Burkey April 2005
Dear Ecosse, I have recently taken delivery of my Ecosse MS4.45 cables. I was overjoyed to see that you had taken the trouble to finish the cables with sleeving and solder ready for my plugs. I have to say that no review prepared me for the effect these cables have had on my Roksan system. I am bi amping using a Caspian integrated for the tweeters of my Roksan Ojan's and a Caspian power amp powering the bass, the appropriates cables connecting up. It is as though a veil has been lifted that also has the effect of excellent improvements in dynamics. Phenomenal. Many thanks
John Balman, April 2005
Good Morning Ecosse ! Let me send you all my congratulations for the high quality of your products, unanimously appreciated in France.
David Dickel, France, July 2005
Elliot, Just a few words on how I feel upon installing the SMS 2.3 Cables in my Audio System over the weekend. "Astounded and Elated" I have never experienced such a more significant upgrade in the sound quality by changing cables before and believe me I've changed Speaker and Interconnect cables many times over the 30 years I've been into HiFi!!!
Within a hour of warming the system up with a few known and loved recordings , the Speakers disappeared and I was just inviting Artists to perform in my Living Room, not putting on CD's and LP's !!! The sound became that realistic, virtually holographic in effect !!! I knew the components I have ,over the years , assembled in my Current System were capable of very good information extraction from CD's and LP's when listening through High Quality Headphone equipment and I was hoping the Ecosse cables were going to get me to the same level of listening experience through the Speakers. However I was Shocked and Delighted that this happened within such a short time of installation. I really don't know how the sound may be improved upon once the 300hrs burn in has elapsed?
I would thoroughly recommend these cables to anyone who has a quality audio system ,as they let the rest of the equipment and interconnects show its true potential.
In my opinion they are a truly exceptional product. Needless to say I will not be purchasing any other Speaker cable for a very very long time and many thanks again for the speedy despatch of the cables last week.
By the way even the Wife and Young Adults in the house were most impressed by the cable upgrade and that's saying something! Keep up the good work.
Robert Arthur Ruff, Oct 2004
Good Morning I have today received my order of Ecosse MS4.45 cables from Stone Audio; they are fantastic – just had a quick audition before leaving for work. Truly superb ! Upgraded from QED Silver Spiral Interconnects to Maestro in October which made a dramatic difference to the sound of my Roksan Caspian based system (with B&W DM603 speakers) This latest upgrade is mind blowing as I previously used Silver Anniversary bi-wire cables, which I do not hesitate to say were very good. The cables have been duly checked by yourselves; assembled by 'LR' and tested and seconded by 'BH' on 15/11/04.
Alan Martin, London, Nov 2004
I have been using MA2 for many years and have always been happy with it. I have recently changed my equipment to NAIM (older series) which as you know uses DIN connections. I have tried Chord cables who make DIN connections cable but was dissatisfied with the sound. I have 1 line (phono) input and tried the MA2. Superb!! Do you make MA2 with one end (at source) with phono connectors and the other end (Pre-amp) DIN?
Thank you
Alan Brownstone
I have tried a number of different cable offerings from QED etc. But in my system all of them sound thin, harsh and lack reality when compared to the ES4.45
Thanks again
Alex Harrison
Hi all.
I've recently purchased this (MS2.3) cable, and am enjoying it very much. Thanks very much for your time, Cheers
Jeff Nissenbaum
I've recently got an opportunity to try (that's to hear in my music system) one model out of the range of Your Famous loudspeaker cables: the Reference CS2.3. I must say that i am truly impressed with this (justifiably famous well reviewed) product!
My music system: Audiomeca Creatura (by Pierre Lurne) Cd player, Densen DM-10 integrated amp and a DIY version of the Triangle Extan loudspeaker (called the Iconor).
The cables are: Monster M1000i interconnects and double runs for (bi-wiring) of the monster M1 mkII speaker cables.
A friend gave the CS2.3 cables to me just to "hear" them and, to be honest, when I came home and found how "little" they cost (in comparison with my Monsters) I got suspicious. Is it worth bothering to "hook 'em up"? But even having second thoughts I gave them a chance... I couldn't believe my ears! Absolutely fabulous! It seems to me that this was the missing "link" in my (music) system. They really "work" better than the Monsters M1mkII in my system (I've previously owned other amps and found the Monsters my favourites-also tried Van den Hull Revolution, Kimber 4TC, 8TC)! What a treat!
I must say to you that I warmed very towards your products. I also believe that this cable (CS2.3) is, if not THE greatest, than among the greatest values in Hi-Fi business. I've never heard (until I've heard them) such a reasonably priced cable that could perform on such a High level! Astonishing!
Best regards,
David Dukic, Yugoslavia
Greetings, I have recently purchased a set each of the above cables for my system, which comprises
- ARCAM A85 Amp
- JBL 4412A Studio Monitors
And I am indeed VERY HAPPY to say that the above ECOSSE set does indeed deliver all that it suggests and more.
Better dynamics, more open, more detailed, wider and deeper sound stage, extended highs and lows, clearer and more nasal vocals and overall better ambience approaching that of live Music!! Quite an achievement for the relatively small incremental investment. This set of ECOSSE Interconnects and cables have indeed really made the system so much more MUSICAL and OF COURSE so MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE.
Which is what it is all about in the end.
Thank you
Best Regards,
Tom Teh
I've got my ecosse CS 4.2
Thank you for your quick and kindly service.
Venlig Hilsen, Denmark
I recently placed an order for "4mm hollow z/x bananas - Beryllium copper gold-plated £4.50 per set of 4 and was pleased at how quickly they arrived. Great service!
Matthew, Australia
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for the reply by email. I have received my CS2.3 speaker cables and I am very pleased with them. Certainly a big improvement and worth the investment!
Thanks and best regards
Dr Brad Garner, Chens-sur-leman, France
I am very satisfied with my newly purchased "The Classic" interconnect; it exceeded my expectation in several areas.
I am now so confident with Ecosse that I'm planning to switch my speaker cables too, can you adv the retail price for MS 2.15, 2.3 & 4.45 cables respectively? I'd need them in 12' (or 3.5m) lengths, factory terminated with spades.
Many thx,
Henry, Hong Kong
Recebi os cabos sexta-feira no final da tarde. Fiquei impressionado com o acabamento de voc?s. Da solda de prata ao isolamento. Tudo absolutamente perfeito! ? muito bom constatar que Ainda existe cuidado,seriedade e profissionalismo em nosso desgastado pa?s. Muito obrigado pela grata surpresa!
Quanto aos cabos:
Outra grata surpresa! Mesmo ainda estando "frios" eles mostraram uma extrema delicadeza nos agudos e graves firmes e bem controlados. A regi?o m?dia tamb?m ? muito boa e acredito que ficar? melhor ainda no decorrer das primeiras 100 horas necess?rias para que eles estejam completamente "amaciados". Deixei-os ligados em casa e eles permanecer?o assim nos pr?ximos dias. Depois enviarei minhas impress?es ? voc?. Mas, como dizem : "A primeira impress?o ? a que vale" e para mim eles provaram ser superiores ao meus Van den Hull logo de cara! Agora vou voltar ? busca do meu novo integrado...Um abra?o e muito obrigado por tudo,
Raul, Brazil
I have received the CS4.4 cables Friday afternoon.
I was impressed on the finish. From the silver solder to the isolation. It is very good to see that still there is care, seriousness and professinalism in our "consumed" country.
Thank you for this nice surprise!
About the cables: Another nice surprise!
Even being "cold" they showed an extreme fineness in treble and firm and well controlled bass. The medium is very good and I believe it will get even better in the next 100 hours.
I'll send my impressions to you. But as it is said: "the first impression is what remains" and for me they proved to be superior to my Van Den Hul in this initial test!
Best regards and many thanks for all.
Raul, Brazil
Hello Elliot,
I was testing all cables one by one. First I put Best Boy on our lowest level system. I must say that I was impressed how much the sound did not decrease. I then tried all interconnects in increasing quality order. Our lowest level system was surely above 4000 Euros, so I thought Best Boy would not be sold for such systems, however for smaller systems I can't think of better until I tried Composer. Till now I had Conductor in use that I have borrowed from a friend and that is one of the reasons I have turned to you, because I liked it so much. Latest of the RCA interconnects I have found out that Maestro is really the most superb interconnect I have heard. Much of soundstaging improved, I heard a bit of more dynamics with extra controlling. Actually it became my favourite interconnect and in my opinion best value. But that is subjective.
Then I tried the Bryston pre-, power-combo with XLR interconnects. Baton was above average, I liked it very much. And I wanted to hear The Classic. It is a classic! Now that I tried them out with MS 2.3 all of them, so I can make a difference in interconnects, I started the same with the best grade interconnects and did the same with cables. For small systems, and I mean small that are in between 300 and 1200euros I liked the CS 2.3s. But the ES2.3 was really a huge step in quality. My favourite of course in value and in sound quality was really MS 2.3.
Summed up, I was impressed with the cheaper cables very much, but when I tried the more expensive audiophile and audiophile reference cables they just put me back in the chair. Their presence would be surely welcome in Hungary. And I can't wait to hear the most expensive once.
Elliot, I liked Ecosse cables very much indeed.
Best regards,
Roland Vas, Humgary
I bought some speaker cable from you last year, and absolutely love it. I wondered if you were able to supply lengths of equipment mains cable, that I could then fix to plugs of my choice? I know your supply the finished article, but would you consider the cable on it's own or with just to IEC connector?
Many thanks
Nick, London
...From Scotland, Ecosse Cable has known in a short time how to conquer the specialised media and the audiophiles all over the world. Specialised in cables in copper/brass, the company uses a unique process, which gets rid of interferences in-between crystals in copper/brass, therefore the name "Monocrystal". To link electronic parts together, we have used the Interconnection Maestro cables and then for the speakers M12, we have opted for the bi-wire cable MS4.45, multistrand in the low frequencies and solidcore for the tweeter.
This coherent unit is highly musical and of a great reliability.
It will satisfy the more demanding ones.
My wife was out last night so I had some time to return to some A/B comparisons between your interconnect (MA2) and the TCI interconnect. So some comments:- On plugging in your interconnect the immediate obvious effect was a much wider image - I would say a definite feeling of another foot or so out beyond my speakers. Also - a much better definite positioning of instruments in the image. The conclusion from this was that the Ecosse has much better detail in the image. As well as the spatial information, the fast transients and sustain on notes are better with the Ecosse than the TCI (which is again better than the Chord).
Last night, I had another comparison and was listening to orchestral music rather than vocal or small group music. The effect was staggering. A large messy image with the TCI cable became a sound stage with width and depth and air around the instruments. The sound is very smooth and the tonal difference probably seems to be because the cable is just getting things right.
Best wishes,
Dear Elliot, I have received the Maestro interconnect cable and it is... WONDERFUL !!!! The difference is big with the COMPOSER. The sound is great and realistic. Thank you for your best products. English sound is the best one!(Eh-I trust he means Scottish-MD's note) I work in Paris in an advertising agency, I am ready to do your ad in France when you want !!
Very best regards,
Nasser, France
Thank you for great service at this point!
Regards Magnus
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